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Astrological annual forecast for 2022

Welcome to 2022!

We have now arrived in 2022, the year of the Tiger! jaarhoroscoop

The year 2022 is part of a new 20-year development cycle that will last until 2040.
As a society, we are still in the eye of the storm, the process of birthing a new world.
The Age of Aquarius.
A painful birthing process of enormous transition and transformation of consciousness that paves the way to a better future. The Age of Aquarius brings a shift in how we interact with one another, such as an appreciation of the individual’s potential and no longer of property, money and status.

The year 2022 will be the last full year with Pluto in Capricorn, before it temporarily tastes Aquarius from March 24, 2023 until June 11, 2023.

According to numerology, the year 2022 is associated with the number 6.
The number 6 is a symbol of desire and devotion from the heart, of unconditional love, tolerance and the ability to support, nurture and heal each other.
The number 6 is a beacon of hope to care for others with the awareness that own needs are just as important as those of others.
In addition to the collective vibration, interpersonal relationships are also centered on love, sharing, generosity and benevolence in meeting the challenges of 2022.

In 2022, the elements WATER and EARTH will be decisive.
The WATER element symbolizes the collective unconscious, making us more receptive to what is hidden or what goes on behind the scenes.
The element EARTH symbolizes stability, durability, anchoring, but also limitations and blockages.
On a terrestrial level, in 2022 we will have to deal with a lack of drinking water, scarcity of fuel and raw materials, shortages and restrictions on a large scale, however an increase in extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods.
Patience, perseverance and great determination are necessary to make progress in 2022.

The year 2022 can be broadly divided into two distinct periods: a relatively calm first half of the year and a more volatile second half of 2022 of startling events and international political tension, from viruses to crisis and wars.

In the first half of 2022, the new beneficial cycle of Jupiter with Neptune in Pisces, shows a revival of alternative and holistic cures, legalization of some drugs and major developments in medicine, art, film, music productions, 3D technology, virtual reality and space travel, but also focus on one’s own psyche and spiritual development. This rare beautiful transit of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces feels like a planetary gift and is the gateway to an optimistic period for planning ahead and working on new projects.
On a larger scale, we may see this beneficial conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces as a push in the right direction.

Due to Uranus in Taurus, in the first half of 2022 we will see the rapid development of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, new technologies, developments in food consumption, clean energy such as even more windmills and solar panels and the acceleration of the transition to electric driving.
Important economic and social reforms will be implemented in the spring of 2022, such as the digitization of money, bitcoin, crypto currencies, further growth of online shopping and online transactions.

However, Jupiter’s exuberant influence could also lead to a huge influx of refugees in 2022 due to war, religious fanaticism and global conflict, turbulent global, cultural, religious, climatic and economic impact. In 2022, due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus, we will witness the far-reaching consequences of climate change such the acceleration of thawing of the ice caps, rising seawater, warming and acidification of surface waters, soils and ecosystems, an increase in precipitation, more frequent natural disasters (cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes (also in Europe), forest fires, volcanic activity and large earthquakes and a growing scarcity of food and clean water along with the emergence of new pandemics threats., large floods and droughts, loss of biodiversity, structural changes in ecosystems with ecological and economic losses.

Uranus has been traveling through Taurus since mid-May 2018 and will remain there until April 26, 2026. The last cycle of Uranus in Taurus was 84 years ago during the Crimean War and World War II.
Again in 2022, we see history repeat itself due to rising military tensions and political chaos, especially in countries with economic instability. Particularly in the second half of 2022, an explosive atmosphere will develop and armed conflicts may further weaken NATO’s position.

Old power structures in the world are transforming and new alliances are being formed.
The strong economic influence of the United States of America, China and Russia will certainly continue until 2023 or 2024.
By the time Uranus enters the sign of Gemini in mid-2025, the old system of global banking and trading activities will have completely disappeared. The monetary system will change completely during these years and become more high-tech.

A new economic recession or collapse could mean the end of cash or the disappearance of the euro such as the development of alternative currencies. When Pluto will travel through Aquarius from 2025, the world will be changed forever. China will then be the financial and economic superpower. This process will start in January 2020. The opposition Saturn in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius in 2035 shows a very different power structure in the world.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius from January 14, 2022 back to Capricorn from January 17, 2022 to February 3, 2022 could be the cause of political chaos and delays in team sports events, which could be related to the resurgence of COVID-19 infections at the end of the year. 2021.

The mid-January 2022 shift of the Lunar Nodes from the Flexible Polarity Gemini/Sagittarius to the Fixed Polarity Taurus/Scorpio puts the focus in 2022 on economics and scarcity.
The cycles of the Lunar Nodes are intertwined with the cycles of the eclipses.
The eclipses of 2022 therefore also shift to the Taurus/Scorpio axis.
This development means that tangible matter of course must be abandoned and that economic sacrifices must be made to secure the future.
With this energy, we must focus on “what could be” instead of “what is”, letting go of convenience and greed and be satisfied with what is.

After a full cycle of 246 years, Pluto in Capricorn will return to the same position as it was on July 4, 1776. This will happen around February 19, 2022 and around December 30, 2022.
On that day in 1776, the National Congress passed the American Declaration of Independence and which was the official beginning of the American nation.
The powerful first Pluto Return could lead to profound and lasting changes to the way the country is governed, challenging the US to face its dark side and expose corruption in all its forms.
The past must be transformed in order to guarantee a better future. The influence of the Pluto Return could last until 2028. In those years, we see the USA change through a shift in government structure that rebalances the power dynamics towards a more balanced, fairer and fairer country.
Pluto is already on the last karmic degrees of Capricorn (24º to 27º) and Pluto’s evolutionary forces are breaking down the old system more and more.
The sphere of influence of the upcoming Pluto Return for America is already evident given the Plutonic effects of collective anger after hundreds of years of racial inequality and profound economic challenges.
The driving principle behind Pluto is that of reform, or the “urge to purify” to change what is considered or has become harmful and destructive.
To make the “purification” concrete, America is working on major projects to improve the existing infrastructure in particular. To make it better, existing structures (both physical and ideological) must be broken down and destroyed to pave the way for “rebirth”. The Pluto Return in the United States’ chart may increase the influence of the Republicans in 2022 and thus the influence of former President Donald Trump will also increase.

Although the historic Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn of early 2020 is behind us, the social, economic and political dust resulting from this conjunction hasn’t yet settled yet.
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is a 33-year cycle that will completely rebuild and restructure the worlds of business, politics, power and authority.
A fairer and technologically advanced world is being built on the ruins of capitalist collapse. Global collaboration and innovation will become the pillars of our new world.

In the second half of March 2022 (exact on March 23, 2022) we are dealing with the first square between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Mars, the embodiment of masculine energy square the unpredictable Uranus in the unyielding Taurus could be the great wake-up call of 2022.

The Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus of April 30, 2022 conjuncts Uranus and Saturn and squares the North Node and the May 16, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio squares Saturn and is sextile Pluto in Capricorn. These cosmic events are about taking responsibility for ourselves, but also for others when they aren’t able to do so or don’t want to.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 19, 2021 was the first of a series of four Eclipses in Taurus, the next will be the Solar Eclipse on April 30, 2022, then the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8, 2022 and followed by a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023.
Taurus rules money, assets, global currencies, stock markets, procedures and structures, real estate markets, so be prepared for major turmoil during these eclipses and aftermath, because buildings, financial institutions and even governments can literally be shaking in their very foundations.

The year 2022 will move in a wave movement of relative calm and apparent stability to turbulent developments such as extreme weather events, high inflation, rising food prices, scarcity, financial collapse and ecological losses in the second half of 2022, especially from mid-May 2022, when Jupiter makes the transition to fiery Aries until the end of October 2022.

As of mid-May 2022, increasing of inflation and interest rate, rising costs of living, transportation, services, utilities, health care, hospitals, nursing homes, colleges and universities, border control and basic primary services should be taken into account due to Jupiter in Aries.
Jupiter in Aries until May 16, 2023 is the period in which we begin to get used to the new world. Aries carries the energy of new beginnings and this is what it will be all about for years to come.

From August 21, 2022, the main role will be played by Red Warrior Mars in Gemini, this volatile influence will remain until March 25, 2023. For the second half of 2022, it will show a period of crises and wars and new variations of infectious diseases.

The stellium of the North Node, Mars and Uranus in Taurus makes August 2022 an eventful month of forced choices for solutions to worldly and personal challenges that are intertwined by the nature of Taurus with financial developments, food supply and natural resources.

With Saturn in Aquarius in the element Air, we see the energy transition in its full scope, such as electric or hydrogen powered cars with no tailpipe, the electricity grid powered by new energy, with each household generating power through its own solar panels and windmills.
In a few years the sale of diesel or petrol cars will end. Pollution of the air will decrease radically, but that does not mean that climate change will stop, but the process is slowed down, but becomes manageable.

The latest disruptive square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus in October 2022 could lead to financial and political friction, mainly due to the influence of the North Node in Taurus. The catalytic square of Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus has presented the world in 2021 (exactly on February 17, 2021, June 14, 2021 and December 24, 2021) with a fait accompli that the old world is over and that space must be made available to lasting social, cultural and global progress.
Saturn wants certainty and Uranus wants change, so for the last time, the square presents us with a choice: holding on to what was or start all over again?
The theme of this final transit will be: resistance to all that no longer serves humanity, now and in the future.
What can we expect? Government funding is coming in to support those out of work, investment in infrastructure projects such as charging stations for electric vehicles, cyber currency, artificial meat substitutes to combat climate change, increased home working and internet-connected education.
The world is changing exponentially and everything is happening faster than you think.
The last Saturn square Uranus is like a cosmic storm paving the way to a productive and innovative future. There is no escaping it, things cannot continue the way it was before.

The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 during retrograde of Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces and the very last square Saturn in Aquarius/Uranus in Taurus could be a defining moment in American history, because these are planetary similarities like this almost sixty years ago in 1963, when President JF Kennedy was assassinated.
When Mars turns direct in Gemini on January 11, 2023 (at the critical degree of 8º Gemini), history may repeat itself.

Retrograde Jupiter will return from Aries to Pisces from October 30, 2022.
The beneficial influence of early 2022 will then be less globally, because the effect of this retrograde will be more internal.
It will be a period of reflection and recovery in the run-up to 2023.

On November 8, 2022, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse at 16º56 in Taurus, which is again conjunct reformer Uranus in Taurus. Over the next two years, this Eclipse Cycle can lead to major shifts around income, work, inner transformations, morals and values, beauty, art, love, marriage and sexuality. Taurus rules money, assets, global currencies, stock markets, procedures and structures, real estate markets.
As I wrote before, we have to reckon with a period of enormous change and turmoil involving financial institutions and governments.

When the dust clouds of this Lunar Eclipse have settled from mid-2023, the world will be completely changed.

Due to the global crisis we are in, we need to come closer together as a society.
We must do it together on our way towards tomorrow.

That tomorrow will only come when we all make the choice to work together and stand for our truth.

Wishing all my loyal readers a safe and resourceful 2022.

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