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PISCES ♓️ May 2024
(February 18 – March 19)

May 2024 is a dynamic month for Pisces!
With patience and openness, Pisces can experience noticeable success in both professional and personal life this month.
Events will develop favorably and that will make you enthusiastic to embrace changes. Due to the influence of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus in the third House of Communication, May 2024 is also an energetically powerful period for Pisces.
The focus is on your professional life, home, private life and personal relationships.
The limiter Saturn makes the energy more grounded and under control with a healthy relationship between give and take.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23, 2024 invites Pisces to go on an adventure in the first half of May 2024. During this period of spiritual growth and self-discovery, someone from your past may cross your path again, this could be during a journey or spiritual event.
Trust and communication will play a crucial role for Pisces in May 2024.
You may think your partner is trying to hide something. It doesn’t always have to be negative. Maybe he or she is trying to surprise you. It’s good to let each other out every now and then.
Trust provides a feeling of harmony and security and a pleasant atmosphere. Trusting each other and allowing each other’s personal space is a strong construction under any relationship.
May 2024 is a favorable month to think about expanding your family.
Communication improves in your personal life, but also in relationships with colleagues.
Thanks to the influence of Venus in Taurus, it will be easier to cope with difficulties.

Family and Home
The New Moon in Taurus of May 8, 2024 is in the House of Communication and encourages Pisces to orientate itself about school, courses and training. This New Moon encourages you to listen to your feelings and to connect with everything that stimulates your mind. Learning new things, reading, having conversations, a new way of communicating.
The great Benefactor Jupiter and Uranus will travel through Taurus together until May 25, 2024.
The first three weeks of May 2024 are therefore the most favorable for real estate transactions.
The big news is the transit of Great Benefactor Jupiter through Gemini from May 26, 2024.
Gemini represents the 4th House of Family and House of Pisces. Big changes are in the pipeline. Favorable period for a family holiday, to renovate, expand, renovate your house, buy or sell a house or move, help others move or even emigrate. Growth can also take place in your family or with those you consider family, such as pregnancy, marriage and pets. More support from your home base makes Pisces feel more emotionally stable and secure, giving you the feeling that you can handle anything.

The Solar Eclipse of May 8, 2024 can be a test to see how committed you are to continuing on the path you are currently on or drastically changing course.
This cosmic event can be a great wake-up call to start paying attention to your unique talents. Are you developing your natural skills or wasting them for the sake of it?
Do you invest in yourself and actually receive what you deserve?
It is important to talk about what is bothering you. In fact, it is appreciated as this will lead to better communication and understanding. In fact, reluctance works against you, no matter how hard you try.
The New Moon in Taurus of May 8, 2024 in the House of Communication encourages Pisces to explore education, courses and business-oriented training. This New Moon encourages you to listen to your feelings and to connect with everything that stimulates your mind. Learning new things, reading, having conversations, a new way of communicating.
The great Benefactor Jupiter and Uranus will travel through Taurus together until May 25, 2024. During this period you will receive unexpected inspirations, but before they become concrete plans you may have forgotten them. Write down everything that’s important!
Mars in Aries shows a busy month for Pisces. May 2024 is not favorable for the study.
On May 23, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Sagittarius in the tenth House of Career.
It is the prelude to a period in which things will change in your career or your attitude about your work will change. Pisces may be put in charge of a department or project, but may have reservations about the progress of the business or career.

Aries represents the House of Finance. The total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries of April 8, 2024 fell in the 2nd House of Finance and Value. This cosmic event brings good financial news this month, such as approval for a loan or mortgage, new sources of income such as a new job, position, second job or more customers or assignments in your company.
Mercury in Aries is direct again, but when the shadow period from May 14, 2024 is over, you will regain financial overview, insight and clarity. From that moment on, the time is right to start investing. However, risky investments will lead to losses.
In the coming months you will make thoughtful changes to improve your financial situation for the future, but it is important not to exceed your budget.

Pluto retrograde in Aquarius from May 2, 2024 falls in the 12th House of Detachment, the Subconscious and the Hidden challenges you to embrace your shadow, the dark aspects of your personality. During this retrograde period, try to create space for inner contemplation.
The more love you give to the dark side of yourself, the easier it will be to accept yourself. Keep a diary to keep track of your inner process, your dreams have a special message.
Pluto in Aquarius is a psychological and spiritual cleansing process of processing trauma and guilt from your past or even from previous lives.
In the second half of May 2024, Pisces may suffer from fatigue, dissatisfaction and irritation due to Mars in Aries. You worry about the smallest things and you tend to blame others for it.
No one is to blame, so this can be an additional argument to continue working on yourself.
It is advisable to channel excess energy with running and swimming.

The path becomes a little clearer, the horizon opens to manifest something.
Continue to wonder and don’t let fear of judgment or failure hold you back.
Pluto in Aquarius digs deep into your subconscious problems, motivations, desires to gain insight into the how and why. Because you gain more insight about yourself, it becomes easier to let go of the heavy burden you carry, making you stronger internally.
With the influence of astrological ruler Neptune in Pisces and limiter Saturn in Pisces, it is about integrating give and take, setting healthy boundaries and taking responsibility for your life.

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