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The New Moon in Virgo of September 9, 2018

The New Moon in Virgo of September 9, 2018

The New Moon is a recurring magical moment when Sun and Moon merge and the Light of Mother Moon can’t be seen in the sky. With this magical retreat of the Moon, the effect of the unconscious increases.

It is the breeding ground of all that is necessary for growth in the next cycle, the growth towards the phase of the Full Moon.

The New Moon of September 9, 2018 falls at 17°00 Virgo and brings pure energy and focus.
This New Moon is conjunct Mercury and trine Saturn, Pluto and Uranus.
The cosmic influence of this Great Trine feels like a clean slate, a new opportunity, a fresh start.
It brings us positive energy and creative solutions for the most diverse problems.
These positive planetary forces bring interesting and unusual changes to everything around you.
A good opportunity to think everything over and what you want to achieve in the future.

The New Moon in the earthly sign of Virgo falls in the midst of the promising sextile between Jupiter and Pluto. This harmonious connection between the Great Benefactor Jupiter and the transformational Pluto offers us the opportunity to bring about positive reforms, both collectively and individually.

However, there are planetary challenges to be overcome.
Venus and Mars form an exact tense square during this New Moon, so the male and female principles are at odds with each other and that is reflected in all forms of relationships.
This New Moon in Virgo faces retrograde Neptune in Pisces so there are ego-conflicts, gossip, scandals, ambiguities, secrets, uncertainties, discouragement, deception, lies and illusions.

The Earth sign Virgo symbolizes purity, health, details, grounds, practical thinking, sorting and clearing up, so these planetary challenges may be grounds for more insight into our deepest desires and dreams.
The pure energy of the New Moon in the sober Virgo shows us the distinction between good and evil in order to overcome fear and confusion.

For yourself, a time is breaking up to find out what has actually changed for you in recent times.
Through self-examination you get the answers you are looking for.
It is good to listen to your soul and to see for yourself what your desires are, what your truth is, what according to your insights is valuable to you or has become superfluous, what can you put overboard, what is for you importance for your personal growth?
Sort and clean ship.

The flowing Water influence of Jupiter sextile Pluto brings positive change and learns to deal with loss and disappointment.
Change is a natural and powerful process of spiritual and personal growth, the creation of wealth and professional progress.
Change comes naturally.

The effect of the New Moon of September 9, 2018 lasts four weeks until the New Moon of October 9, 2018.
The best time for a new start is during the first two weeks of this New Moon cycle, the Waxing Moon.
This Waxing phase of the Moon lasts from September 9, 2018 until the next Full Moon in Aries of September 25, 2018.

Happy New Moon!

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