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The Full Moon in Taurus of October 31, 2020

The Full Moon in Taurus of October 31, 2020

With every Full Moon, the Sun is opposite the Moon and shows the opposing forces or polarities in our lives.

The second Full Moon this month is a Blue Moon and it coincides with Halloween on October 31, 2020. A Blue Moon at Halloween is rare, because there won’t be another Blue Moon at Halloween until 2039.

The heightened emotional power of this Blue Full Moon at 8º38 in Taurus is reinforced by an almost exact conjunction with retrograde Uranus (at 8°42) and fixed Star Hamal (at 7º57) in Taurus.

This erratic and unpredictable Blue Full Moon is a direct sequel to the New Moon in Libra of October 16, 2020. The volatile and frustrating energy of this New Moon is still very much present, causing civil rebellion, further polarization, extremism, conflict and violence. 

The conjunction of the Full Blue Moon with retrograde Uranus in Taurus and masculine Fixed Star Hamal in Taurus reinforces collective fears due to fear of loss of individual freedom resulting in violence and rebellion.

Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Capricorn brings upheaval, a grim atmosphere, fear, emotional detachment, frustration and sadness.
Mercury retrograde square Saturn in Capricorn can be the cause of misunderstandings, disagreements, concentration problems, delays and bad news.

This violent Full Moon energy also affects relationships and enhances feelings of emotional detachment and leads to domestic violence, verbal abuse, estrangement and divorce.

For now and in the next two weeks until the New Moon in Scorpio on November 15th, 2020, this Full Moon energy can have an extremely powerful and very disruptive impact on our lives.
Unexpected events give an intense load in all forms of relationships at a personal, economic and political level.

On November 3, 2020, Mercury in Scorpio turns direct again, on the same day as the US presidential election, and in the slipstream of this unpredictable Full Blue Moon in Taurus, it’s hard not to face a controversial result, civil unrest and violence.

However, challenges arising from this Full Moon’s opposition to retrograde Uranus in Taurus will be an indicator for of the quality of any relationship.

So it is extremely important to listen carefully to good advice and not to make ill-considered impulsive business or legal decisions.

The conjunction of the Full Moon with retrograde Uranus and Fixed Star Hamal can lead to major challenges, but it also gives us the strength to continue.
Even a crisis offers creative opportunities and this combination opens doors to make the most of it.

Blessed Full Moon!

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