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Jupiter in Aries 2022/2023

Jupiter in Aries 2022/2023

On May 11, 2022, the great gas giant Jupiter will make the transition from Pisces to the fiery realm of Aries. Until October 28, 2022, we have to take into account rapid turbulent developments in the world, such as high inflation, rising food prices, scarcity, interest rate hikes, further rising costs of living and health care, as well as extreme weather conditions, due to the influence of the giant spotlight Jupiter in Aries.
The last time Jupiter was in Aries was in 2011, when a devastating tsunami hit Japan’s eastern coast. 

Aries, the sign of the Warrior, carries within it the energy boost of new beginnings and is now additionally amplified by Jupiter’s expansion power.

The sharpness of Jupiter’s shift from Pisces to Aries is a true wake-up call.

Jupiter in Aries periods are often characterized by breakthroughs and friction, both in our personal lives and in the world around us.
During Jupiter in Aries in 1917, the United States joined then-allied Britain, France, and Russia during World War I.
World War II started in 1939, also with Jupiter in Aries.
The 2011 Arab Spring took place after Jupiter’s entry into Aries.

Jupiter’s transit into Aries 2022 also creates creative breakthroughs and unprecedented opportunities, such as new musical trends and major health discoveries.
Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming with Jupiter in Aries.

Jupiter in Aries is not a quiet energy, but goes to war, for better or for worse.
During this period of ‘now or never or it’s my turn’, the ideological and religious flame can just explode or an insurrection or war could escalate.
However, Jupiter in Aries can also underline the need for peace, just because Jupiter in Aries usually provokes fear and anxiety.

Interrupted by a brief return to Pisces (due to retrogradation), Jupiter in Aries until May 16, 2023 is the period when we begin to get used to the new world.

We don’t want to go back to the old, but we want to move forward!

Influence of Jupiter in Aries 2022 on all zodiac signs (note: ascendant)

For Aries, Jupiter’s transit into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 heralds a fresh start!
It’s the beginning of a brand new 12-year chapter of your life. Jupiter takes about 10 to 12 years to return to your sign (last time in Aries was from June 2010 to June 2011). What happened in those years can now be a major turning point in your life.
From December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022, Jupiter was in Pisces in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness. This “hibernation” period may have had a delaying effect on Aries, as Jupiter was completing a 12-year cycle, a period of inventory, healing and creative preparation for the next cycle. Spring is here, a busy time for Aries!
From October 28 to December 20, 2022, Jupiter will be back in Pisces for a while through retrograde.
It would be a good thing to take a time-out after a busy period, in order to make a new start with Jupiter in Aries from December 21 to May 16, 2023. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Aries.

Everything indicates that you starting a new chapter, Taurus!
For Taurus, the transit of Jupiter into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Subconscious Mind means connecting with your higher self and letting go of what no longer serves you, Taurus. Look back at what happened to you during the 2010s and 2011s when Jupiter was in Aries, as you often see a recurrence of themes that played out then. With Jupiter in Aries in the 12th House until October 28, 2022 and then again from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023, your artistic and creative side is awakening.
The key word during this period is surrender to the Higher. This cosmic surrender means inner growth and development, as long as Taurus does not force itself and allows itself to be carried along with this cosmic flow.
Listen to your heart and hear the universe. During this period the truth comes to you.
This is a favorable period for a sabbatical or long retreat. Give in to your rest, give in to your sleep. Dreams can be predictive with the fire of Jupiter in Aries.
Take stock of your life before starting a new 12-year chapter in May 2023, when the Great Benefactor Jupiter re-enters your sign of Taurus for the first time since 2012!

For Gemini, Jupiter’s transit into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 means your social network is about to take off. With Jupiter in the 11th House of Group Processes and Social Engagement, the coming year is all about teamwork!
In addition to new colorful friendships, there are fruitful forms of collaboration with colleagues and like-minded people.
After a brief return to Pisces, Jupiter will travel further in Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. Jupiter in Aries is for Gemini a year of networking, group projects and sharing on social media, websites, TV, media, politics, technology or finding from another innovative platform that gets you public attention. In any case, big changes are coming for Gemini.

For Cancer, Jupiter’s transit into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 marks a new cycle in your career.
Since December 28, 2021, Cancer with Jupiter in Pisces has been exploring new possibilities such as study, abroad, spiritual journey, a gap year or sabbatical in order to broaden your focus. You may have graduated, written a book or presented a creative business plan.
For Cancer, Jupiter in Aries falls in the very highest 10th House of Career, so over the next year your plans will begin to take shape. All your hard work and expertise will pay off. An influential man can play an important role in the course of your career.
After returning to Pisces for a short time (i.e. back to the 9th House), Jupiter will remain in Aries (your Home of Career) from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. Cancer then gets a stage, recognition and attention. A full-time job with responsibilities is an option! The last time with Jupiter in Aries was from June 2010 to June 2011, so go back in time as themes from that period may return in the summer and fall of 2022.

For Leo, Jupiter’s transit into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 represents a new cycle of growth and expansion! Jupiter in the 9th House of Philosophy and Higher Consciousness inspires and encourages you to push boundaries and travel!
Jupiter in Aries brings opportunities abroad and promising foreign connections to experience wonderful things. Embrace spontaneous opportunities to explore the world.
Leo went through great spiritual and emotional growth with Jupiter in Pisces last year and now you move forward with inner determination, ready to share the transformative energy with others, for example by writing a book about your experiences and presenting it to the world.
After a brief return to Pisces (by retrograde), Jupiter will return to Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. During this period, the best opportunities come along such as starting a business, studying, taking a long trip or launching a book.

For Virgo, Jupiter’s transit into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 in the 8th House of Shared Finances and Assets means greater return on investment and increased shared resources, both private and business. The 8th House is also spiritual transformation, merging and intimacy, so besides financial matters it can also be a period of end, transformation and rebirth, sexuality can also be a theme. Be careful with too much, because Jupiter is boundless. Excessive spending will cost you dearly. Know what you have. You can only lose what you think you have.
Give and receive in proportion.
After a brief return to Pisces (by retrograde), Jupiter will remain in Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. During this period of personal growth, most of the changes come such as engagement, marriage or divorce, pregnancy, real estate investment or joint financial venture.
A period of time to pay off debts, buy or sell real estate or obtain financing for a business plan, royalties, commission or settlement, tax refund or tax bill.

For Libra, Jupiter’s transit into Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 in the House of Relationships and Partnerships means new partnerships are being formed, both business and private. An existing contract can grow further, so positive developments! Commitments made now are beneficial and offer great opportunities for the future.
A close relationship can outgrow or you find that energy and love is no longer worth it.
Whatever ends, it again offers room for better connections, a different interpretation of the relationship and new forms of collaboration.
After a brief hiatus from retrograde, Jupiter will return to Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. For Libra, it’s all about dedication and exploring what kind of partnership really works for you. Jupiter was last in Aries from June 2010 to June 2011, so themes from that time may return.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 in the sixth House of Health, Work and Daily Routine makes everything lighter and brighter. With this transit there is a better atmosphere at work with your colleagues. The beneficial influence of Jupiter also gives you more energy to take care of your health, do sports or create a lifestyle that simply suits you better. Jupiter in Aries offers great opportunities, but beware of exaggeration. Not too much of anything.
After a brief retrograde return from Jupiter to Pisces, Jupiter will return to Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. A health problem may then come to light that Scorpio was not aware of. If we don’t listen to our body, our emotions, and our soul, the body (the temple) itself will scream for attention.
Jupiter was last in Aries from June 2010 to June 2011, so themes from that time may return.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 in the fifth House of Love, Infatuation, Self-expression, Children, Well-being, and Creativity is for Sagittarius a time of inspiration, of hobbies, creativity and creativity. During this enchanting period, you want to get everything out of life to enjoy life. A new love can arise, love can blossom in the permanent relationship, the birth of a child can enrich your life or your own inner child can manifest itself. Jupiter in Aries puts you in full light! Sagittarius is in love with the world and that attracts admirers!
In the permanent relationship, everything feels new or new life is breathed into the relationship. After a brief return from Jupiter to Pisces (by retrograde), Jupiter will return to Aries again from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. There can be a spark of love, probably with someone from a completely different background, maybe from abroad.
Jupiter was last in Aries from June 2010 to June 2011, so themes from that time may return.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 in the 4th House of Family and Home, residence, homeland and your family is for Capricorn a search for inner peace and tranquility in your home, family, past and how you feel about yourself. Favorable period to renovate, expand, renovate, buy or sell a house or move or even emigrate. Perhaps you feel stifled by your current living situation and you need more space. Jupiter in Aries is then the best time to move to a new place or location that offers you spiritual and emotional fulfillment. After a brief retrograde return from Jupiter to Pisces, Jupiter will return to Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023.
Jupiter in Pisces allowed Capricorn to orientate about a suitable place to settle. Capricorn may also be interested in family history and ancestors. In the grand style of Jupiter, Capricorn can make the decision to take a long journey to a place that is connected to your roots.
In the fourth Yin House ruled by the Moon, Capricorn can experience mood swings and a feminine, maternal energy can play a major role in your personal growth and impart a sense of inner connection.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 falls for Aquarius in the 3rd House of Communications, Education, Connections and Media.
Jupiter offers good opportunities with regard to business-oriented studies and courses that will help you earn more money or increase your income. What you learn now will make money.
Between now and October 28, 2022, with Jupiter in Aries, you could be participating in a local project or promoting yourself and your business. Jupiter in Aries is also image enhancement.
How do other people see you? How do you want to be known?
In any case, a favorable period for making connections and expanding your knowledge and skills. Learn to appreciate during this beneficial cosmic transit.
After a brief retrograde return from Jupiter to Pisces, Jupiter will return to Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. It’s not time to relocate yet, which will probably happen in 2023, during the next Jupiter cycle in Taurus. Now it’s about exploring your options.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries from May 11 to October 28, 2022 falls for Pisces in the 2nd House of Finance and Possession. During this period, great opportunities for expansion in work, money and security come through the Great Benefactor Jupiter in Aries.
So more money comes in, but it can also disappear just as quickly. Beware of excesses and impulsiveness.
During this period you experience more self-esteem and self-esteem. This is a productive period in which growing self-confidence will get you a lot done, as long as you appreciate the universe by applying the Law of Attraction. You attract what you radiate.
Pisces can now begin to shape all that has been prepared with Jupiter in Pisces for the past 12 months.
After a brief retrograde return from Jupiter to Pisces, Jupiter will return to Aries from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. This period of secure attachment is an appropriate time to get married, for a promotion or to apply for a better position or participate in a project that will allow you to build up a financial buffer.
Jupiter was last in Aries from June 2010 to June 2011, so themes from that time may return.

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